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Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Your Ally in Navigating SSI for a Secure Tomorrow
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SSI Attorney In California

Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI) with Jared Walker

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a separate disability program the Social Security Administration oversees. SSI provides for indigent individuals who are disabled due to medical or mental health conditions.

Deserving people, without resources, who are physically or mentally unable to work need a dedicated attorney on their side who knows how to prove their SSI case. Contact Walker Disability Law to help win your case. Our California SSI lawyer can provide crucial guidance throughout the process.

With 17 years of legal experience, Jared Walker devotes his time to representing clients with disabilities, helping them obtain the Social Security benefits they deserve, including SSI and SSDI. He is a strong advocate for those facing challenges like being denied disability benefits. You can trust Walker Disability Law to handle your case with care.

Call Walker Disability Law at 916-831-7575 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

How Does SSI Work?

Those who believe they are eligible for SSI can apply by visiting their local Social Security office, completing an application online, or calling. You may have someone to help you throughout the process if your disability or other factors prevent you from completing certain steps on your own. Individuals who are approved will receive SSI benefits, the amount of which is determined by the Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) and the amount of countable income you have.

Since SSI is a program based on individual needs, employment status can have a significant impact on the amount you receive. You can receive SSI if you are currently employed or become employed, but you have to report all wages and work-related information to the Social Security Administration each month so that your benefit amount can be adjusted.

Reporting this information also ensures you maintain your eligibility. Failing to report a change can result in you losing out on funds or being required to refund an overpayment.

Eligibility Criteria for SSI in California

The eligibility requirements for SSI are set by the Social Security Administration (SSA). In order to be eligible for SSI in California, you must first make sure you meet one of the criteria relating to age, blindness, or disability:

  • Age – Be 65 years of age or older.
  • Blindness – Have vision that is 20/200 or worse in your better eye when using corrective lenses or have a significant restriction in your better eye’s field of vision, where the widest diameter of the visual field spans no more than a 20-degree angle.
  • Disability – Minors must have a mental or physical impairment that results in serious functional limitations, is expected to cause death, or has gone on or is expected to go on continuously for at least a year. Adults must have an impairment that impedes their ability to do a substantial gainful activity, is expected to cause death, or has gone on or is expected to go on for at least a year continuously.

An individual who meets an age, blindness, or disability requirement must also meet the following criteria for resources, income, citizenship, and residency:

  • Resources – Have limited resources. This could be anything you own that can potentially be turned into cash for housing and food, including money, bank accounts, cars, personal property, stocks, land, life insurance, etc.
  • Income – Have limited income. This can include wages from work and money received from other places, such as unemployment benefits, Social Security, workers’ compensation, family or friends, and free housing or food.
  • Citizenship and Residency – Be a citizen of the United States or an eligible non-citizen living in the country lawfully.

It is essential to meet these requirements to qualify for SSI in California. Applicants must carefully go over the guidelines and gather the necessary documents for their application. An attorney can help them do so.

Proving Your Disability

For individuals who apply for SSI on the basis of blindness or a disability, SSA will first determine if you meet other eligibility criteria before asking you to prove your disability. If you meet the requirements, you will then have to provide medical documents that show your disability and how it affects your ability to work.

Your documents must have detailed information relating to your condition, including the contact information of any medical professionals you’ve seen, details about the medication you take, and details about treatments and tests you’ve undergone. If you don’t have a primary doctor, you may be able to get a consultation with a Social Security doctor.

Appealing an SSI Decision

You have the right to appeal most decisions regarding your SSI application or benefits, whether it is a denial, termination, or an initial determination. When you receive your notice, it’s important to act quickly when filing your appeal to ensure a favorable outcome. Generally, there are four levels you can go through when appealing an SSI decision or determination: request for reconsideration, the hearing, appeals council review, and federal court review.

  1. To begin the appeals process, you must file a proper written request for reconsideration with SSA as soon as possible. In some cases, submitting a request within a certain time frame can ensure you continue receiving the payments you are currently getting until a decision is made.
  2. If you don’t achieve your goal with the reconsideration, you may request a hearing with an administrative law judge (ALJ). You may have the option to appear before a judge or request for the judge to make a decision using the evidence provided in your file.
  3. In the event that you don’t agree with the decision made by the judge, you may request to have the decision reviewed by the Appeals Council. The Appeals Council can dismiss, grant, or deny your request. If the request is granted, the Council will either make a decision or return the case to an ALJ.
  4. If you don’t agree with the decision made by the Appeals Council or their denial to review your case, you can file an action in federal district court with the help of a lawyer.

Seeking the assistance of an experienced SSI lawyer is advised for every stage of the appeals process. They can give you the necessary support, help you gather evidence, and represent you at hearings. Having a lawyer can significantly increase the possibility of a successful appeal.

Contact Us Now

Choose Walker Disability Law

If you need assistance with your SSI application or disagree with the decision made regarding your SSI benefits, contact Walker Disability Law at 916-831-7575. Jared Walker is skilled at navigating the complex world of disability benefits and understands the frustration of being denied. We can assess your case, and if you are unable to work, can guide you through the process to help you successfully secure the SSI benefits you deserve.

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